Welcome to our Tour scheduling page!
A visit to your choice of campus and classroom environments will help you with your decision to join our New Generation Montessori family.
Please select the preferred date and time of your appointment, prior to filling in any of the fields below. If you need to make an appointment outside of the hours available, please email your preferred campus directly and our team will help you find the perfect time!
- Use the Campus selector to choose your preferred campus.
- Select “Tour” under Tour selector.
- Select the Directress name under “Tour Given by:”
- Select your preferred date.
- Select the preferred time available.
Note: System will not let you enter your Family Information below until you select both: the Date and the appointment time.
- Complete all fields under Family Information.
- Ensure Booking Overview has the correct information.
- Click on the “I’m not a robot” spam verification.
- Click Submit.
Once submitted, you will receive an email that your request has been received. One of our team members will approve your selected data/time and you’ll receive a second email confirming your Tour along with instructions for the Tour Day!